Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hair unwanted, what to do.

Swimsuit season is coming up and everyone is starting to get ready. From diets and working out to gearing up to deal with the hair issue. Yes most of us feel it's an issue and have many ways to deal with it.

The most common is shaving, which is fine for the legs or underarms but can be a bit of an issue for more sensitive areas. No one likes the instant grow back, or razor rash nor risking a cut. Waxing is a pretty good option, the problem is that is rather painful and something that has to be done consistently. It cost's $50-$80 and that's not including tip. Plus you still have to deal with the worry of in grown hairs and YUCK!

Then their is laser hair removal, and yes its more expensive and more like a "procedure". Which makes it scary, right? WRONG! Get that idea out of your head.

It is more permanent because it kills the hair growth. Now granted it will not get all of them because they are not all growing at the same stages. Above shows you kinda what your hair and skin go through. Below is the actual machine that they use.Not so scary huh? There are two types of laser I have found out. One you put a numbing cream on before and is the traditional with a light the other doesn't have the cream is a suction and heated feeling. Neither hurt really, not comfortable but not painful... well not compared to a wax anyways.

They take the machine and go spot but spot over the area that you want to remove hair. The laser removal with the light can be a bit uncomfortable and sometimes feels like a quick sharp prick. The suction is weird feeling but same thing a quick little pain if there is any.Does it work? YES! I had one treatment and was very please with the results. Now granted it takes between 4-6 maybe up to 8 treatments to have complete hair removal. The above picture is after three treatments.

Now before you say, I can't afford it! I know that is what I thought. Thanks to which aggregates all the Groupon's to LivingSocial and more coupons. If you keep an eye out on the site they always have laser hair removal packages on there.

Heck there is one current one that has three sessions in it for $150 that is valued at $600! If you keep your eye out on them you can get it done easily. Now doesn't spending $150 on something that over time will be permenet seem smarter than spending $50-$80 continuously? Obviously the younger you do it the better investment it is. Yet, do the math and spend a bit more at the start and save a lot more by the finish. I am just saying...

It seems like a no brainer. Spend a bit more, get better long term results and spend less in the long run, plus its less pain.

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