Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Snowboarding in Tahoe of the weekend 1/30

Snowboarding? What on earth made me think I should do this? Maybe it is the fact that, well I have never been great on ski's. Regardless, I have gotten it into my head to decide to do snowboarding. So I found a group.. a great one actually the Road Trippers and people who will actually do what they say they will.

We got to Tahoe in actually quite good time all things considering how late we left, all thanks to our gracious Driver J. Upon arriving Chef R had that covered and instantly there was some food, the two shown above.We also quite quickly decided which beds were ours, and lucky for me no one knew about the in-law unit right away. So by the time half of them were taken, there was the in-law and a room with three beds for the three guys (Poor babe's had a bear hibernating). Thus bed's were a scarcity.

My in-law was seriously sweet. I mean not only did I have my own huge bed. It is so tall I needed a step ladder to get up. It also has a fireplace and a semi kitchen/ sitting area. Which I loved cause it would hold all my stuff and gave me a reading chair. The place naturally but also very cozily has a bathroom and closet next to each other. I had my own lil porch in which Chef R and I often chilled in. It was great!

Getting up in the morning early, not so great. Remembering everything HA I forgot once and so did someone else. I forgot my helmet, but it was kinda good since we had left like lights on and windows open. It would have been chilly!

Snowboarding was a trip. It is freezing but that is why we are bundled. It is weird to move on the board. Plus whenever I had one foot out the bindings it was in pain. Yet it was a lot of fun and hard work. We were all bundled up and ready to go with boards in hand. Yet I learned a lot about balancing and trying to handle how to turn, stop and even navigate going backwards. Yet going up hill, regardless if you walked up carrying the board or half in it, was hard work. Often once we were up the slope, we were so tired we had to take a break. This is where having a helmet is really handy, cause it acts as a pillow where the snow is not really all that soft. Trust me I fell on it enough times to know. All and all, I did get turning a bit and on occasion even stopping. Yet getting off of the lift well and missing people not so good. I sure as hell do NOT have backwards down. None of the falls, the half scared out of my wits makes a dent in the feeling of being outside and trying something new. Not to mention... The view, I mean really. Wow.

After snowboarding the group went to a bar and had a lot of fun. There was a live band, lots of booze and car bombs. Everyone was dancing and having a blast, in general this was a great Road Trippers experience. If you want to see more pictures of this trip then just go here:

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