Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Weekend!

This new year ended with a bang. Ok it has a few bumps in it, even so the last few days were surreal. Having the chance to do hot air on Thursday the 30th, only to have it canceled due to wind. SUCKED!

So the crew started to head back to sleep when two crazy people got us to go see the sunrise instead. So we head to twin peaks. With blankets on and huddled together for warmth, we watch the sun come up. Let me tell you it is bloody cold.
I start to get bored and play Pandora on my cell. All of us start grooving. Naturally Mr. T had his camera set up and lost his blanket for a moment to the wind. Mr. D chased it as we girls sighed and shook our heads on the fact that he let it go in the first place.

Talking about dancing started, then if the boys could follow too. Which lead to which girl could lead what and had Mr. T and myself dancing tango or attempting to on concrete in sneakers. Ha that works, nope.
After we went to a haunt of Ms. C which was a funky place. I liked the vibe. After food we were done headed back to my place where we all crashed. The guys fell asleep siting Ms. J claimed her sofa Ms. C climbed into my bed. We offered the boys "first come first sandwiched" that there was plenty of room. Neither joined obviously chicken I guessed heh more room for us.

When we woke we futzed around for a bit then went to Ms. A to pre-game with games. Yea you read right but rock band was kind fun. Specially since they had the whole set! Everyone is rocking and Ms. A and I are singing along, it is kinda cool. Plus Ella the puppers is going crazy having all these people around. More people showed up including a newbie to me Mr. R.

Then we headed to the bar which this time was a bit dead. Ms. J managed to squirm out of singing Karaoke cause we didn't wanna wait. So we all, left early and half went home half went out more. I was in the part that went home and crashed. I knew the next night was going to be big.

Which I was right. It was sick or as my hipsters would say epic.

One thing I love about my friends, is that they trust my judgment. When I plan something and fully commit myself to doing something. Then well I am going to do it all or nothing style. This leads things to be in the extremes. Granted I have chill out calm events, too but more often than not, I do things big. NYE the night of the 31st would be big.So I decided to go to the Supperclub, a seriously cool venue that I have been wanting to eat in too for a while. In general their dinners are $70 to $120, so $150 for one on NYE and the whole night? Done! Then a crew joined. The two of my girls: Ms. J and my soon to leave Ms. NC. =( A few of, I'd say our boys... came along too. We had Mr. A with a camera as always, Mr. D and Mr. R.
Everyone was dressed up in some fashion or another. My girls looked fab and so did the boys. Mr. A was hip, Mr. D looked like a pimp and Mr. R very classic. We all climbed up on the beds and settled in. We ordered a bottle of wine and started to watch the shows being put on.
Amongst the shows were well everyone and everything. I loved the dancers and their were a few, one with a red ribbon. Another with fire who then light up the downstairs and was playing with it. I really loved the aerial performance and the opera singer.

The food was pretty damn good. I really liked the sushi appetizer and the soup was good too. The entree was a bit fatty but in general it was well prepared. Eating in bed Roman style was fun. Everyone started getting comfy and as Mr. R put it the wall between beds started to come down.
People started dancing and drinks were flowing. Trust me when I said the world was just flowing and the count down was on the the wall as a back drop half the time. The desserts came with poppers and people were setting them off. The place started to open up to the crowds outside and the party was just starting!

The performances stopped and the crowd became it. At first it was the crowd that was the performance. You could move and dance a bit. Then it was a flood gate and people started to pour in.

Heck it was molestation on the dance floor. The bumping and being pushed into people. Just falling into each other while everyone is grinding to the music. It called to look to your friend and go, well at least I know you!
Running around finding other friends, dancing and then going back to the bed and lounging it was just fun! The party went on for a long time and when everyone was ready to leave well I was not! Yet the after party was at my place so it didn't really matter.

I sent most of the group to go get some munchies as I only had wine, champange and cupcakes. There was an alternative reason to do this, in the rush to finish all my projects and modify my dress. Which was actually miraculously done by Mr. R and got many compliments. Plus with Ms. J getting ready and well Mr. D and Mr. R too.. the place that was clean before they all arrived looked like crap again.

It was called in need of a quick fix. What I am known best for. Didn't help that I had the wrong set of keys and had to call them back. Oppsy. Once again hero-like Mr. R stayed behind to help me with the quick fix. OMG his help this night specially for a newbie into my life. Damn! Way appreciated, burner, cool in my book. By the time Mr. A, Mr. D, Ms. J and Ms. NC got here the place was fantabulous! The lights were on way more than my normal. I had the black lights which set off my ponies and records. Plus my stop light flashing and rotating from color to color.

Everyone was just sitting and talking, drinking either champange, mimosas or whatever they bought at the store. Time just got lost and all of the sudden it was 5:30 a.m. Mr. A took Ms. NC home, and Ms. J took Mr. R home. Mr. D and I stayed up listening to a music then a move for hours more until finally crashing out.

Thank goodness for my curtains because I hate the light and by the time I was headed to be it was daylight. I woke up to it being dark and thinking, what a way to start the New Year, a great party with good friends and a good nights sleep.

Ok so what if I missed most of the 1st I spent it right, waking up lazy. Unsure of what to do, or even if we are hungry. Getting ready slowly, talking about last night's events... Mr. D plays a sweetie and drops me off at Ms. NC for the "Girls Night".

Kinda feeling bad that I would be the last one, I ended up being the first one there! Sweet! I brought the wine that was untouched from the night before and my xmas gadget. It really made a difference opening up the wine.

The girls poured in and we got to gossiping, talking our past year experience. Ms. J was after me then Ms. C and we started to really get to drinking. Random movies were on the TV which we would comment on too but it was mostly us chilling.

Quickly after more arrive and it was great to see Ms. MN, who I haven't in ever! She brought two great new girls with her. Hanging in Ms. NC's place was roomy and relaxing, she set it up nicely with take out.

Ms. V and Ms E showed up and then the party all started mixing, talking and rotating. Everyone had a great time. I ended up leaving early thinking I would go to bed and be ready for work better than if I were their. Heck it will still be better since I can get to work way easy from here, and some alone time is kinda nice.

Now on to the New Year, and figuring out what I am going to be doing. I think I will leave my goals to be accomplished for the next post. Don't tell me to add new thing to cross of my list, I wanna make a solid dent in it before I add to the list! Ciao.

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