Friday, January 7, 2011

Los Reyes or Three Kings Day - January 6th

It's funny I get slack for keeping my Christmas tree up for so long. I don't know why, I am keeping it till the 'Three Kings Day' or 'Los Reyes'. It is a Spanish tradition that and I guess it is something that most gringo's don't know about. You might know it as the Ephiphany, when they realized he was 'God's son'.

Well that is about to change. As I was taught from my mom, January 6th was the day the three kings arrived and brought Christ his gifts. That when she was young she would leave her shoes out by the tree for presents. This was customary and how she raised me. You would never take the tree down before, heck it was part of the celebration the day after! (Which is why I am in Marin tonight!) I dug into the story more to find or more be reminded about the change from the old to the new calendar and how everything was moved 13 days early.

Either way I shouldn't be getting comments for following tradition. As the twelve days of Christmas is supposed to be between Christmas day and this one, not before. It is technically the last day to the Christmas season and his other b-day. Eh, who am I to judge I am not even really religious and follow Buddhism more. I am just a sucker for tradition and thought to educate you in the mean time.

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