Wednesday, December 1, 2010

First "surprise" trip to Tahoe

This is going to be short, hopefully.

I got invited up to Tahoe, Northstar Village at Tahoe, by a friend of mine. Told Ms. C I probably couldn't come I worked. She was all about well what about Sunday? Yet I was prepping her that without a car I couldn't, but would try to find a ride.

Find a ride I did! I grabbed one with a friend of mine, yes a boy and no I won't give you ALL the juicy details. Sheeze... So after work he picked me up, this was after being a doll and helping pack my bags for me as I ran to work. Granted I left most of it out... though we did have a few calls/texts about where things were.

So ten minuets after I am out of work he his picking me up and we are headed to Tahoe. The closer I get the more kid-like I feel and even act. To the point that it is mentioned I am like a 12 year old kid. Yea? So what. Sue me. I am happy and excited, roll with it. The drive is going smoothly until hunger hits.

This is when we stop, at first we don't know where till I ask and find out we are in Old Sacramento. Let me tell you, it is CUTE! So adorable, especially for the holidays. They had a Theater of Lights, with was buildings light up, to a real steam engine. We grabbed a nice (too leisurely) dinner that was fantastic. It included shark, which I liked who would have guessed and Kobe Beef. MMMH.

After we are on the road again and things get bumpy. We have to put on chains and this is not to bad but it is all about figuring out how they work. Things are going smoothly until we drift over 30 and a link in the chain breaks. We start hearing a weird noise. This starts a bunch of issues.

What issues? Well while we were only like 45 miles away, we can't really go above 15 miles. If we do the chain busts again. We are trying to repair it, with well what ever we have at hand. What we have at hand is safety pin on my sweater. Thank goodness I was in a punk mood and wore that sweater. After exhausting all safety pins and even a key ring we make it to Northstar at Tahoe. Let me tell you, the key ring was the best fix.

Once there we get walked by nice security guards to the correct spot. Got up to the room, set everything up got to hang out with Ms. C for a quick bit and then it was crash time. All too soon the next morning was upon us, ok actually the kids were.

Crazy how babysitter/mom mode kicks in instantly. Kid comes out and I am like what do you need sweetie. In moments I am getting water and trying to figure out food for this little one. Me figuring out FOOD in the AM when I feel sick to all hell? YUP!

So when I realized the kids didn't like eggs, then it was hmm. I remember something my mom would make, toast with butter and sugar. Sure enough it worked on them like it did on me and as more little ones piled out, so did more toast.

Then it was out on the slopes. I was doing really well or I felt like it till the last run and half. What is a run and a half, you ask? Well I went on what I thought is my last run. I go to ask how to get to bottom they say their is no way that you have to take the lift up again and come down another way.

Let me say when I heard this. I wanted to cry. So I take the lift back up, utterly exhausted and try to brave myself to go again. I really wish I hadn't I was way to tired to control anything. By the time I got to the end, I fell so many times I was laughing so hard I sounded like I was crying.

Once everything was returned as we head to the car, I call Ms. C to see whats up. She being stuck in mad traffic tells us to go eat first then leave. So we do, and grab sushi. The last three hours I am just frozen and looking like a wet cat, miserable.

The ride back is actually really quick and quite fun. We make it home in like a little more than four hours. I wish I took some pictures, and sorry this wasn't that short.

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