Friday, December 17, 2010

BAYPAC 12.10-12.12.10 trip

Once again after work I am off to go to Tahoe. Myself, Ms. Chilli, Ms. N, Mr. S all climb into Mr. A's car (who on the trip got fondly named Cricket). The ride up is pretty quick and easy going. With good music mostly the Stone and Nirvana. It is a bit long specially the end with the windy roads.

Once we get there and start checking out the cabin, I am so happy with the choice. It is just as sweet as I thought. The whole time I am grabbing people's secret numbers for a silly FB thing. We all wind down grab some veggies to munch on and pop into the hot tub. The night goes well in to the early hours we before we all crawl off to our beds.
The morning is amazing and I wake up to a lovely view. It is quite nice to have one of the master suites. We take our sweet time but are still out by 9:30 a.m. (UGH!). So once dress and up and out we are just waiting for everyone to get their gear.
Sitting all ready to go and Mr. A out of my line of site gets the camera all ready and focused. Then calls my name and snaps, all I can say is Damn! I am not the biggest picture person.

Off it is to the slopes and I am doing pretty well. Fully getting the hang of things and going off on my own. Even getting more comfortable just going forward and not falling as much. Yet I am seriously getting sick of my behind being cold from all the sitting to get my bindings on.
Half way through the day I stop to get some food and follow it up with hot coco and peppermint schnaps. Then go back out on the slopes for some more. I realize I am tired and think that quitting earlier than later makes sense.The night goes great. Mr. A and I go and grab food and I make a nice big meal. I have Mr. A and Ms. NC helping out and the rest of the crew is playing pool or card games. We are listening, cooking and dancing meanwhile singing. It's a blast. Before you know it the food is done and we are all eating. After, I go and study. Shh I know lame but I have a test on Monday.

Half the group goes to the Casino, the other half chills and passes out. I study and then try to hot tub a bit. HA that works out badly. I slip on the stairs get a great bruise and end up goose bumps in the hot tub. How? The top was left off and the heat out! Grr. I relent and take a way hotter bath.
The next day is actually a lot of the same, but I am messing up a bit more cause of being tired. I am smart this time and use my hand/toe warmers in my back pockets. Hey it kept my butt warm! (Doubt the above is me but might as well be, as I was in all black)

I ride for like four hours go to get food eat lunch and pass out in the sun for like an hour. It felt great. After I got my hot coco with peppermint schnaps and meet some cool guys to board with more.
We board for some more hours and then start to head down the mountain to go home. I am messing up the whole way, just exhausted. Yet the light is amazing and I have to thank Mr. A for catching some great shots of the scenery.

The drive back we are all exhausted and cannot help but take a nap. We stop for food and keep trucking sooner than later I am back home and changing. Not being able to help checking out the damage I do.

Oye, I am beaten up something fierce. There are bruises on bruises, my body aches and its hard to get into the shower. Yet I am elated. I know stupid but I am getting how to board.

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