Friday, October 29, 2010

Disco Baby, Roller Disco

If you know me, you will know I am not really a roller skater or roller-blader. Yet you will know I love music and dancing. So when I found about about roller disco, well I didn't care how bad I would be on skates I just wanted to go dance. Thus it went on my list of To-Do's, big whoop right? Not like I actually work on the list, right? WRONG! I love my list and am trying to cross it all off.

Thus I saw the chance which has slipped me by more than once to go Roller Disco, I knew I had to jump on it. I was so right! I broke out my old blades, yes I still have them. For once being a pack rat comes to my rescue and helped save me $5 and blisters! Roller Disco having a discount if you came in costume had tons of people dressed up. Yet what would I expect from the Black Rock Roller Disco, nothing but a fabulous Burner party. Naturally I out came the Burner clothes by Ms. S and we went to party.
Well my crew had my baby girl (more to come), Mr. MA who is from work and actually was kind enough to play taxi to us. Mr.G a friend from Argentina who is pretty much squatting. These boys of course being BOYS do not dress up or have fun, Leaving us girls to look completely H.O.T. in our Burner gear by ourselves. Ok a little weird to walk around SF in our costumes but thank goodness it is SF and we are not the weirdest thing out there.

Once we arrive, I find my friends quickly and we start hanging. Ms. A and her crew was there with Mr. K being the "professional" as always. My girl don Ms. J who I got to dress up and OMG she looked something fierce in my wig. Granted I think she is starting to learn that trying to play dress up in my clothes so doesn't work! At first the place is crowded as hell and it is a standing disco pretty much.

Lucky for me I run into my old favorite and now completely head of security Mr. A. At first we pass by each other both feeling like we know the other but keep walking. A drink later, a few laps back. I start to explore my old haunts now getting a bit more comfortable on my blades. I check out to see if there is still a smoking lounge having over heard Mr. MA. Remembering right, there is and I manage to complete my mission of finding him a smoke.

When I come back there is a train, conga, skate line going and I jump in. Everyone is twisting and turning and we are actually starting to skate fast since no one has to be in the way. It is amazing to see the line get longer and loop its self. The person in the middle frantic leading and almost pulling the whole line. I almost lose the line and catch it multiple times, granted breaking the smoke for Mr. MA. Opps.

After a fun time I grab some friends and a drink, we keep talking and dancing. Fun times being had by all and we just keep bouncing around and doing laps. A the night gets on the floor clears out. We start to be able to dance, skate around with each other. Of which I had two partners, one who was seriously cute and we got to go off chill and talk ;-)... The other who knew how to skate and dance at the same time. Which had me tripping over my feet and actually managed to make me fall. Eh whatever. The skating was all good but when it was over, we were hungry.

So we piled out of the Roller Disco and went on the hunt for Mr. MA's car. Lucky for me I know where it is and walk us straight to it. Granted that in itself can be hard when corralling three other people all slightly under a drink. We head off towards my house and make a stop at Mel's. Once after having eaten some grub the four of us head back to my tiny studio. Some how we all manage to pile in, hang out and crash out... horizontally on my bed. As I float off to sleep, all I can think is: "I feel like I am 21 again and the after party crash pad, how did I get back here? Eh."

Picture to come, maybe... regardless another one crossed off the list!

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