Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A black hole within one

Have you ever felt that your purse was a black hole? I know I have, it really is one as the lining is black and if it is dark or the object it dark... well it can't be found. Thus it becomes an annoying hunt for the: Cell phone, wallet, keys, what ever is next on the list. Some times I feel like I do a better job without looking, just feeling and identifying.

Yet lately things have gone missing. I mean I KNOW it is in my purse. I know I didn't take it out. Heck sometimes I can even feel the object I am looking for I know it is that lip gloss but I cannot get to it. So what is the deal? Well I realized that my purse which I have always considered a black hole has a hole in its lining. Actually it has TWO! A black hole within a black hole... $#(!

I know this should be the sign that I need to stop using this purse but for some reason I love it. I looks real, so is not. Perfect fake Jimmy for SF multiple personality disorder weather system we have. So now I am trying to figure out how to sew a hole inside pockets... ok more trying to remember how big the holes are and/or not use the pocket. Yet this might be getting ridiculous.

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