Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fly me by the bay

Rushing cause its the way life seems to run when you juggle to much and try to be everywhere at once. I am finally using a gift certificate I won ages ago. I had to rent a zip car to do it which breaks the bank of course.

Lucky for me I got an Audi. It was so much fun driving around in this sleek spacious car. A little weird since I don't usually drive and it takes a bit to get used to a new car. Once that is done and traffic gets the heck out of my way I am doing fine. Granted Google maps sent me all over the place in weird directions that made NO SENSE!! Yet I made it there!

Once there it was pretty easy to find the place and wait a quick bit for my instructor. Then its to the parking lot for planes to pick up ours. It's a small private plane, is really not meant for more than four. The instructor, Mr. G is checking the plane and showing me some of the main checks too.

Then when we are climbing into the plane and I get to check out the dashboard. Mr. G starts telling me what does what. I get acquainted with the real control. Its fascinating stuff really. How the plane works all the different dials and knobs. What does what probably takes a good bit of time to get use too.

Suddenly we are in the air, the world below us getting smaller. I get to help in the ascend. This tiny plane is making a huge racket and really working to get up there. Then suddenly it is level and we are just flying around the bay. Looking out the window trying to listen through the head phones.

Once you get the hang of it and being up there, which for my evil tummy is not a great thing always. It is quite easy to do. Looking out is the crazy part. The whole experience is like being a little kid again in some senses. Very happy I did it, wishing I had the money to be able to do it regularly.
My certificate! Just saying I did it. =)

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